Ordinary people pursuing the fullness of Life in the way of Jesus.


You are loved with a love greater than any you can imagine. You were created to experience the fullness of life and God, in Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is constantly working to create opportunities for you to experience it.

The Village is a collection of ordinary people of all ages and backgrounds learning to receive that love and experience that fullness of life together. We’d love for you to join us and experience it too.


Life in the Way of Jesus


At The Village, we seek to order our lives around three primary, historic invitations:

Be with Jesus - learning to make our home in the presence of God

Become Like Jesus - being formed into the image of Jesus by the presence of God

Do What Jesus Did - planting seeds of the Kingdom through acts of compassion empowered by the Holy Spirit

Our weekly gathering rhythms are our way of living into these rhythms collectively as we seek to live into them individually throughout the week. Connect with us on Instagram or Facebook for details on what’s happening each week. Livestream of our Worship & Word Gatherings can be found on our Facebook page (click here).


Worship & Word Gatherings

First & Third Sundays @ 4pm

Neighborhood Table Gatherings

Second Sundays @ 4pm

Compassion Gatherings

Fourth Sundays


Village Youth